As a California resident, you must be aware of the sheer number of car accidents yearly. Two thousand eight hundred traffic fatalities were reported in California alone in 2011. The number was concentrated more in Los Angeles, a densely populated county. Car wreck attorneys in Los Angeles deal with cases of drunk driving, head-on collisions, and other serious accidents daily.
It may not always be your fault, but you may be caught up in a legal battle. Finding the right representation is essential. Did you know of the various situations which result in car accidents? You can demand compensation if you think the perpetrator is at fault for any of these.
Drunk Driving
This is one of the leading causes of most accidents. A third of deaths related to road accidents involve drunk drivers. Those aged 21 to 34 are more likely to be drunk drivers than others. They not only risk their lives but are a hazard to society as well.
Rear-End Collisions
These are highly common when a vehicle runs into another car from behind. Speeding, reckless driving, and inability to pay attention are to blame for these accidents. Rear-end collisions commonly occur at red lights and turns. Being the victim of such an accident can result in whiplash, sprained necks, or even fractures.
Loss of Consciousness
This may result from excessive drinking, or a person may fall asleep at the wheel due to exhaustion. Everyone lives so busy these days that getting a good night’s rest is becoming harder and harder. Drowsy driving was responsible for approximately 72,000 accidents in 2013. Like drunk driving, the age group most affected by drowsiness is 21 to 34. According to surveys and polls, 60% have admitted to driving while drowsy!
Head-On Collisions
While not as common on highways, head-on collisions can occur on rural undivided roads. A car may run into you if the driver tries to overtake a truck without checking clearance properly. Hands may also slip off the steering wheel, resulting in a collision. Falling asleep at the wheel is another cause of head-on collisions.
Cell Phones!
Distractions are everywhere, but some drivers ignore traffic rules and use their phones while driving. This may be to change songs or send a quick text message. But those few seconds can be enough to wreck the driver’s life and the life of another. Roughly 3,000 people lost their lives to distracted driving in 2018.
Contact a lawyer or agency today if any of the drivers have wronged you or a loved one. There is a statute of limitations when you can file for a lawsuit, so always check that beforehand. If you were a pedestrian hit by a drunk driver or someone using their phone, you can assert your legal rights in a court of law.